DTUC Events

NYC - Dell Technologies Forum

NYC - Dell Technologies Forum
Date & Time
09/28/2023 (Thursday) 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM ET Add to Calendar
Event Details

Find DTUC at the NYC Dell Technologies Forum. The Dell Technologies Forum is the premier tech conference for technology enthusiasts and business leaders looking to drive innovation and growth! Join us for an immersive experience that brings it all together - the emerging trends, cutting-edge technologies, dynamic speakers and concrete ways people like you are transforming organizations. You’ll get hands-on with the latest technology solutions, explore technical sessions customized to your experience and connect with Dell Technologies experts.

See you there! 

Topics: Products, Peripherals, Laptops, Desktops, Thought Leadership, Solutions, Security, Services, Management, Emerging Technology, Deploy

Location: North Javits, Atrium Entrance, 445 11th Avenue @38thj Street New York City